Thursday Mar 02, 2017
Thursday Mar 02, 2017
Kerry Connelly is a soul sister from another mister. We have yet to meet, but I have a feeling we will...soon. The Divine allowed our paths to cross several weeks ago as we were on a call learning about an organization called Brand New Congress. I asked a question and voiced a concern or two and then several speakers later she spoke up and I interrupted the call to say, "BNC, please connect us!" And they did and here we are.
Kerry Connelly is a Certified Christian Life Coach and Human Behavior Specialist with over 25 years experience in corporate, non-profit and entrepreneurship. She writes a popular blog called Jerseygirl, Jesus and in January of 2016, she founded DoveWriters, the Christian Writer's Incubator. Kerry is a successful business consultant who specializes in strategic operations through her company Vision to Mission, and was recently named a finalist as a New Jersey Leading Women Entrepreneur.
To connect with Kerry:
* website: jerseygirljesus.com and kerryconnelly.com
* Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Jerseygirl-Jesus-662124100577762/
* Twitter: @sheselevated
* Instagram: @kerry.connelly