Wednesday Dec 21, 2016
13 | theTYPEAhippie Podcast | ChiCast: Self-Care Part 2 (David Rachford)
Wednesday Dec 21, 2016
Wednesday Dec 21, 2016
I have yet to meet David Rachford in person, yet we connected via Facebook Messenger initially and then subsequently by phone and Skype. I read an article for which he was interviewed in Yoga Journal and I thought it would be lovely to connect with him because he is former military (he was a Navy firefighter) and is a certified yoga teacher. We started working on possible collaborations as he works with established entrepreneurs and business owners who want to share their story, attract their ideal customer and change the world. Today he's on the podcast to discuss self-care, his journey to yoga and how congruency with our values is part of self-care and can help keep us in alignment...no pun intended!
To connect with David:
* To access his calendar
* Better Human Challenge Podcast
* IG: @davidrachford